Rome OWC 2016 - Registration Form

  • If you are already logged in to your SICOT account, simply click on Register above. No Register button means you have already registered. If you wish to make changes to your registration, please contact the Congress Secretariat at [email protected].

  • If you are NOT logged in to your SICOT account, please log in first. SICOT Members must enter the username and password used to log in to the Members' Area. Once you have logged in, you can access the registration form by clicking on the Congress logo to the left of your account page.

  • If you do not have a SICOT account, please create a new account first. ​​PLEASE DO NOT CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT if you have already opened one for abstract submission or membership. Once you have created a new account, you can access the registration form by clicking on the Congress logo to the left of your account page.