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Hyderabad OWC 2013

Visa Application

IMPORTANT: Please note that the SICOT Congress Secretariat cannot provide an invitation letter for visa purposes to participants from Afghanistan, China, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan (and foreigners of Pakistani origin), and Sudan. Participants from these countries must go to and fill in the form to receive a valid invitation letter for their visa application. If you have not received the password, please contact the Congress Secretariat ( The deadline for filling in the form is 15 August 2013 at the very latest. Please note that after this date it will not be possible to receive an invitation letter and your visa application will not be accepted by the Indian authorities.

If you are not a national of a country mentioned above, an invitation letter will be sent to you by the SICOT Congress Secretariat once you have registered. Approvals/No Objections for holding the 34th SICOT Orthopaedic World Congress have been obtained from the following and will be sent to you along with the invitation letter:

  • Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
  • Ministry of External Affairs
  • Ministry of Home Affairs
  • Govt. of Andhra Pradesh, Youth Advancement Tourism & Culture Department

Please attach the four documents mentioned above and the invitation letter when submitting your application for an Indian Conference Visa.