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Useful Information for SICOT Members


The SICOT Forum provides a means for discussion among members. All SICOT members have access to the Forum via the Members' Area on the SICOT website. Once logged in, the "Forum access" link will appear at the bottom of the menu on the left-hand side of the screen.

Compared to e-mail, the Forum offers a faster and more private way of corresponding directly with members. Personal messaging on the boards allows for instantaneous delivery to the recipient's private e-mail account. The e-mail message is sent and received entirely through the Forum, so neither the sender nor the recipient need to open another programme or leave the Forum. Personal messaging also provides both the sender and the recipient with more privacy since nobody's real e-mail address is displayed. Personal messages show only the name of each person.

A complete user's guide is available by clicking on the "help" button at the top of the Forum page. The "Members List" at the bottom allows users to find the names of other members with whom they would like to discuss a particular topic. A searchable list of all members is available, along with possibly other information such as username, e-mail address, website, MSN Messenger address, position, date of registration, and number of messages posted.

The Forum also enables Committee members to prepare the administrative meetings held before every SICOT Conference or Congress each year and to discuss topics of importance. Each Committee has its own Forum.

If you are a member and you wish to find out more, please contact the SICOT Head Office at For more information about renewing your password, please click here.