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SICOT e-Newsletter

Issue No. 43 - April 2012


The 2nd SICOT Educational Day: The New Comprehensive Review Course Marches On

Vikas Khanduja
SICOT Educational Day Chairman

The Educational Day was launched at the SICOT Triennial World Congress in Prague as an initiative of the Young Surgeons Committee. This short article discusses the conception, the aims and objectives and the future of this new venture along with what one could expect at the Dubai meeting.

The needs of Orthopaedic residents, fellows and practicing Orthopaedic surgeons around the world are evolving constantly. At the same time, evidence-based knowledge in Orthopaedics is expanding at a very rapid rate. Moreover, all the residents around the world need to take exams at some stage in their career to mark completion of training and/or demonstrate competency. Also, most practicing Orthopaedic surgeons do have to undergo some form of appraisal or revalidation at regular intervals to demonstrate fitness to practice. In both these scenarios, acquiring and updating knowledge in a short span of time is essential. The SICOT Educational Day was conceived with exactly this purpose in mind.

The aim of this day is to provide a comprehensive review course for the residents and an evidence-based update for the practicing surgeons on a specific theme at each SICOT meeting. The theme is selected in such a way that it is mutually beneficial to the resident in their exams and to the Orthopaedic surgeons in their daily practice. The event is very reasonably priced for the surgeons in training and is held on the first day of every SICOT meeting.

The theme for the Congress in Prague was "The Hip". The event was held on 6 September 2011 between 08.30 and 17:30. Over 75 delegates attended the day and it focused on all the elements of hip surgery right from anatomy and surgical approaches to complex revision hip arthroplasty. The format consisted of four to six short lectures in each section followed by ample time for discussion and debate during coffee breaks. Dedicated teachers, a mix of the younger and the older generation, from around the globe were brought together to lecture on their area of expertise.

The response to this event from the delegates and the Faculty was overwhelming and after hours of work by the Committee and the Educational Day moderators, namely Emmanuel Audenaert (Belgium), Nadim Aslam (United Kingdom), Mandeep Dhillon (India), Fatih Kucukdurmaz (Turkey), Hatem Said (Egypt), and Peter Yau (Hong Kong), we have come up with a fantastic programme for the meeting in Dubai. The theme for the Dubai meeting will be "The Knee" and our Committee has worked tirelessly to get the right blend of lectures and interactive sessions for the meeting. The Educational Day will be held on the 27 November 2012. Please click here for the detailed programme. We have again made sure that we get all the topics in knee surgery covered and we have involved dedicated educationalists from around the globe for this event. So, if you wish to learn, share, debate and discuss ideas and surgical techniques in an exciting environment with a group of international surgeons in one room, the Educational Day in Dubai is the place for you. We look forward to seeing you there!